Friday, March 02, 2018



Benjamin's diss--and the discussion of tragedies as preconceived ruins. what happens when one "steers toward absolute ruin" like the gambler--or when the purpose of one's mission is murderous--like Theseus...or when the flaneur reads the ruins of material history: the angel of history quote from Benjamin's "Theses on History".

"Did he leave behind anything more than a large-scale plan or prospectus? No, it is argued, The Arcades Project is just that: the blueprint for an unimaginably massive and labyrinthinearchitecture—a dream city, in effect. The argument is predicated on the classic distinction between research and application, Forschung and Darstellung" (AP xi)

Ruins = center around which the narrative "spins" (see spinning yarns in Moby Dick)

<RUINS>: Here, discussion of arcades as the ruins of commerce? reveals: aragon?


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